WCEA Receives DRA Funding to Support Greenville Port Expansion Initiative

Apr 21, 2016


The Washington County Economic Alliance (WCEA) is pleased to announce it has received a $20,850 Rural Business Opportunity Grant from Delta Regional Authority to assist in the Lower Mississippi River Port Investment Initiative (LMRPII). This investment will fund the necessary cultural resource survey and subsurface soils investigation.

The LMRPII will serve as a key step for the continuation of the economic development at the Port of Greenville, MS, by aiding the expansion of developable land along the banks of Lake Ferguson. There are very few industrial sites with flood free access to the Mississippi River. Our plans are to raise 50 acres, adjacent to the current Port of Greenville, to 147 feet to prevent any risk of future flooding. These 50 acres will give Washington County the opportunity to compete aggressively for Economic Development projects that require river access. Since the area has no available land at the port to offer industrial prospects, the potential for significant job growth and capital investment to Washington County by this 50-acre expansion is impactful. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $15 million.

"We appreciate the continued support of Chairman Chris Masingill and the team at Delta Regional Authority as they work to help communities like ours grow our local economy,” WCEA Executive Director Cary Karlson said. “This $ 20,850.00 grant will help us complete site development work on our port expansion project and we can now focus on the next stages of our development."

The Delta Regional Authority is a federal-state partnership created by Congress in 2000 to help create jobs, build communities, and improve lives through strategic investments in economic development in 252 counties and parishes across eight states. These investments target public infrastructure, workforce development, small businesses and entrepreneurs, transportation systems, and access to healthcare. In Mississippi alone, DRA investments have helped to bring $400 million in public and private investments to Delta communities; these investments have helped to create more than 2,200 jobs and reach nearly 4,000 families.

The Washington County Economic Alliance is a chamber and economic development partnership aimed at
improving the economic climate and quality of life in Washington County. From developing shovel-ready sites to
improving the county’s workforce, the WCEA’s mission is to effectively promote and improve Washington County,
its economic assets, and business interests. The WCEA supports existing local businesses and corporate residents
while aggressively working to attract industrial clients and economic investors. Washington County Economic
Alliance is ready to help you Land Here, Lead Here!